A Watten couple won a civil case against a Caithness roofing company that took a large deposit and failed to do the agreed work on their house.
A man whose dog attacked a deer while being used to hunt hares at a Caithness cemetery has become the first to be convicted under new hunting laws.
A Far North care home has made “very good progress” in areas related to staff training, a recent inspection has found.
An elderly Sutherland man was snared by paedophile hunters after he indecently communicated with someone he thought was a 13-year-old girl.
A Caithness man who drove in Wester Ross while he was disqualified has been restricted to his home for four months and wear an electronic tag.
His engaging wit and infectious giggle endeared him to everyone, but it was his talent as a scribe which was most impressive..
A 49-year-old man has appeared at court charged in connection with an alleged 29-hour siege in Castletown on Monday and Tuesday.
A man caught driving while he was disqualified will be sentenced next month.
Ex tech worker ran a Highland retreat centre for Christian pastors and missionaries.
‘He thought the complainer would treat it as a joke but he didn't and clearly he was upset by it and contacted the police.’
The 23-year-old Romanian was recruited by a serious organised crime gang uncovered by the police County Lines operation.
A far north solicitor has been struck off for dishonesty after forging her client’s signature on a will.
A sex offender who was freed by appeal judges a week before he stood trial for rape and extortion was jailed for nine years today (Friday).
A Wick man found to have been driving with more than twice the legal drink-driving limit was fined £400 at Wick Sheriff Court.
A MOTORIST who took the calming drug Ketamin has been fine £300 and banned from the road for a year.
A provisional driver who used his vehicle without insurance and a qualified driver was fined a total of £400 at Wick Sheriff Court last week.
Enjoy a bargain two-night break in a Macdonald Aviemore Resort family room this Easter along with your eggs!
A 43-year-old man who said he has turned his back on crime and drugs will be sentenced at Inverness Sheriff Court later this month.
Mrs Carol Grant, president, welcomed members of Latheron SWI to a snowy February meeting.
If you’re in need of something to brighten up these dark winter evenings, head across to Orkney for the inaugural Kirkwall BID Festival of Light.