PICTURES: Caithness country music club All Day Show draws fans from across the country
The Wick based Caithness Triple C Country Music Club's All Day Show in the Wick Assembly Rooms drew a crowd of 220 country music enthusiasts from as far a field as London.
Well-known Sutherland musician Geordie Jack came out of retirement on Saturday to get the event under way with a temporary band, made up of his son Trevor on drums, along with Addie Harper and Keith Macleod.
A total of five acts took to the stage during the show that began at 2pm and lasted for nearly 12 hours.
The club, which has monthly club nights, was formed in 1990 and held its first all day show in 2000 to mark its 10th anniversary. This was followed by similar events in 2010 and 2015, but Covid postponed what would have been the 30th anniversary show from 2020 until last year.
It was then decided to make the show an annual event, with planning already well under way for next year.
Club treasurer Isobell Beattie said: "We were worried that members might not return to our monthly shows after the Covid break, but we have gone from strength to strength, as has the All Day Show, which has led us to make it an annual event, going forward. The committee are absolutely delighted with the praise and comments that are being posted on social media following Saturday's show."
Tickets had been sold in advance, but the torrential rain and flooded roads didn't deter anyone from turning up. As well as visitors from London and local club members and friends, the audience was made up of people who had travelled from throughout the Highlands, Moray and Aberdeenshire.
As well as Geordie Jack and his band, they were entertained by Robbie and the Brothers, Trevor Loughrey and Band, New Outfit and Keith Macleod, and the Harper Country Band.
Midway through the afternoon it looked as if the rain might be going to cause a problem, even for an indoor event, when rain stared to drop onto the stage and the dance floor, from the roof, but the relatively small amount that came through was contained in buckets and by the end of the afternoon the rain had more or less stopped.