STURROCK - Lorna and Colin Sturrock and daughters Clare and Sarah, would like to thank, most sincerely, all family, friends and former cast members, and school staff and pupils of Sandwood Primary School, Glasgow, for the letters, cards, flowers, Miss Sturrock memorial drawings and comments folders from pupils and staff received and also the beautiful tributes presented on BBC Reporting Scotland late news and reported in the John O'Groat Journal, following the tragic death of our daughter, Marelle, who was pregnant with her baby, Jayden. We would also like to thank William Purves Funeral Directors, Broughty Ferry, for arranging the service at Dundee Crematorium, presented by Fiona Liddell, and the following "Celebration of Life" service arranged by Dunnett's Funeral Directors in Wick and presented by John Glen. The very generous donations received during the two services amounted to £2,400 which will be shared between six Scottish children's charities. We cannot express our thanks enough to all who have supported us, in any way, following this tragic event. Sorely missed but forever in our hearts.