Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) has appointed a new area manager to lead its work across the Inner Moray Firth area.
The £1.22m Renewable Energy Training Centre, being established by Aurora Energy Services (AES), will be the first of its kind in the region.
A Highland MSP has made a bid for the issue to be discussed at the Scottish parliament tomorrow.
The Highland Shortbread Showdown is returning for a second year to discover the best biscuits from across the region.
The widow of a man buried in Caithness claims his headstone was damaged by Highland Council workers.
Highland Council’s vice convener councillor Ken Gowans has handed over a cheque for £575 to MFR Cash for Kids Mission Christmas Appeal.
MSPs on a Holyrood committee have backed calls for the introduction of a visitor levy in local authorities
Transport Scotland has confirmed the fares increase it will put in place for 2024.
Properties that have been empty for 12 months or more within the region increased from 434 in 2013 to 3334 in 2023
Tourism businesses from the Highlands attended the North America Business Development Mission (BDM) to support the growth of visitors to Scotland.
Orbex has been awarded £3.3 million in funding from the UK Space Agency as part of the European Space Agency’s (ESA’s) “Boost!” initiative
New data published has shown Scotland’s most Instagram-worthy filming locations of The Crown, with three locations in the Caithness making the list.
A Wick-based food company has finished the year on the crest of a wave.
Kerri-Ann Roberts is among a group of 24 community nurses and midwives to have been awarded the prestigious title of Queen’s Nurse.
Mandy Boydell started CC Chocolatier in 2019 after she had the chance to cook for royalty as the head chef at the Castle of Mey.
Award-winning craft spirit producer North Point Distillery, near Thurso, has unveiled 'Dalclagie' Highland Single Malt Whisky.
Hybrid Air Vehicles have conducted a feasibility study to see how the Airlander – a hybrid aircraft – could work in the Highlands.
The Highlands and Islands Food and Drink Awards took place at the Kingsmills Hotel.
The awards celebrate the talent, quality and diversity across food, drink and hospitality in the Highlands and Islands.
The chief executive of Rape and Sexual Abuse Service Highland has said the landmark ruling is a welcome development.