A Highland MSP has asked Highland Council to take urgent action to enforce their policy banning the use of pesticides on school playgrounds.
Scottish Land & Estates has called for better ‘rural-proofing’ of policies in the wake of the debacle over a ban on wood-burning stoves in new homes.
The Crofting Commission has announced a new initiative designed to strengthen the crofting sector by engaging with landlords of vacant crofts.
Giving business leaders peace of mind is at the heart of a Highland IT firms’ mission.
The Muslim community in the Highlands have been partaking in Ramadan since March 11.
Stories gathered will celebrate past, present and future generations of the industry.
An evening full of laughter and world-class comedy is set to take place at Macdonald Aviemore Resort this summer.
Kyro Macphee was born on March 22, yet at just a week old he had been placed on a ventilator and was fighting off a severe infection.
A Highland business has secured a four-year advertising and sponsorship contract with the local authority.
Four decades ago, four Beauly lads decided to start a band for the love of music. Fast forward to 2024 and they are still giving it their best.
Victims of domestic violence have been encouraged to seek support and report incidents to police, following a reduction in recorded cases.
The events are aimed to help people develop a more positive relationship with their phones and learn how to take control of their personal data.
Some 400 people were at the Drumossie Hotel on Friday night for the annual Highland Heroes event.
David MacRae was recognised for doing something quietly within his community, without any thought of praise for himself.
An Inverness school has been named as school of the year at this year's Highland Heroes Awards.
Highland Action for Little Ones (HALO) has been named as charitable organisation of the year at the Highland Heroes Awards.
David MacRae was recognised for doing something quietly within his community, without any thought of praise for himself.
Funeral directors across the Highlands are asking people to be ‘vigilant’ after fraudulent scammers have been targeting bereaved families.
Skills Development Scotland is changing location in Thurso as part of a drive to help more people through partnership working in community venues.
Highland Council has issued a statement to say it 'remains committed' to supporting mentoring in schools, including the support through MCR Pathways.