A new £42 million world-class treatment centre for the Highlands is starting to take shape at Inverness Campus.
The Scottish Government has approved funding up to £1.75 million for a centre for young people with disabilities and complex needs in the Highlands
A woman has been taken to hospital in Inverness with serious injuries following a crash involving a lorry and a pedestrian in the city.
Health bosses in the Highlands expect the Covid-19 vaccination programme of over-80s to be completed by early next month.
A Highland charity which helps support those affected by suicide is planning to hold more meetings across a wider area – including in Caithness.
VINTAGE buses photographed at locations around the Highlands feature in a new book by a retired consultant surgeon.
A majority of Scots agree beavers should be moved to new locations in Scotland instead of being killed, according to new research.
Drug-trafficking in the Highlands is one of the main targets of the region's new top cop, Chief Superintendent Conrad Trickett.
Bosses at Eden Court Theatre in Inverness have taken the “incredibly difficult decision” to postpone this year's pantomime.
Eden Court in Inverness has cancelled all scheduled live performances until December, theatre bosses have announced.
A 90-year-old Sutherland woman has reached the summit of her staircase challenge – by replicating an ascent of Suilven.
The inspirational 90-year-old Sutherland woman on a fundraising mission to scale the equivalent height of Suilven has raised almost £400,000 so far.
The Highlands may have found its own version of Captain Tom Moore, as Margaret Payne is on a mission to reach the peak of Suilven at the age of 90.
AN Inverness suicide prevention charity is temporarily closing its drop-in sessions after tonight due to the coronavirus pandemic.
A GIGANTIC skeleton washed up on an Aberdeenshire beach has prompted speculation over what it could be – including the suggestion it might be Nessie.