They are currently predicting wins for Liberal Democrats and the SNP
Freeport chief executive Calum MacPherson says the ‘the public and private sectors coming together for the long-term benefit of the Highlands’.
While her Labour shadow Jackie Baillie said ‘I wish Douglas Ross the best of luck in the future’.
It comes just under two weeks after Rishi Sunak campaigned in the constituency and leaves just four week until the general election.
Finlay smashed his original £1000 target after walking a mile everyday last month as part of the RNLI Mayday Mile challenge.
The former First Minister was staking his party’s claim with Alba’s Highland manifesto targeting housing, jobs, and independence.
Alex Salmond alongside Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross candidate Steve Chisholm aim win the party’s first seat at an election win.
Deputy First Minister Kate Forbes says she is “delighted that the energy minister has committed to adapting the regulations’.
The timing is uncomfortable for the SNP as it highlights one of its biggest broken promises in the middle of the general election campaign.
John Swinney backed Michael Matheson over a 27 day recommended suspension – on the day of the SNP general election campaign launch.
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, on a visit to the Highlands, has told the SNP that it should concentrate on how they have let school children down.
The Westminster hopefuls say ‘the Tory government has finally laid themselves bare to the powers of democracy.’
He says ‘now is the moment for Britain to choose its future’ as opinion polls favour a Labour victory in the next 43 days of campaigning.
As Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is meeting the cabinet amid mounting talk in Westminster that he is about to call an election.
He says ‘I can't think of anything in Britain that has really improved. I can't think of a single thing’ but ‘I'm hopeful of change’.
Scottish Secretary Alister Jack confirmed that the UK government is planning a nuclear site north of the border.
The prospect of a return of nuclear power generation to Caithness has been welcomed with open arms by a far north councillor.
Alex Salmond says he is ‘delighted’ someone of his business experience is ‘carrying the Alba Party standard in the Highlands at the General Election.’
John Swinney has been crowned the new leader of the SNP after winning the support of potential contender, Highland MSP Kate Forbes.
Lib Dem candidate David Green says he is not hopeful the government will fix ‘its broken relationship with rural Scotland.’