The works are due to start at the end of the month and last for three days.
Councillor Helen Crawford called for a 'school estate emergency' declaration to tackle the issue but SNP-Independent councillors voted it down.
The north has the worst school buildings in Scotland but the council delayed the debate by more than three weeks.
She says 'Eco-anxiety, the distress caused by these emergencies, is increasingly recognised,' asking 'how can we cope with these feelings?'
Answers are still needed to address maternity care in Caithness despite the latest move forward to enhance services at the region’s main hospital.
Violence in recent months has been sparked by “an internal power struggle between drug dealers” in the north, according to a leading police officer.
Transport secretary Mairi McAllan is currently delivering a statement on the renewed programme.
Finance secretary Shona Robison promised a budget that would ‘reaffirm Scotland’s social contract.’
Kate Forbes hails ‘good news’ as finance secretary Shona Robison says Highland economy 'needs' the A9 dualling.
The cabinet secretary for transport Mairi McAllan is expected to deliver the ministerial statement to Holyrood.
The cabinet secretary for transport Mairi McAllan is expected to deliver the ministerial statement to Holyrood.
Civil servants warned the transport secretary in 2018 that '2025 deadline would not be met' if it was privately financed.
Scottish Government figures show Highland Council has the worst school estate and curriculum for excellence performance in Scotland.
She says 'unfortunately, the UK government’s autumn statement delivered a worst-case scenario for Scotland.'
Ms Davies is currently chief officer of Argyll and Bute health and social care partnership will start work on April 1.
Leader Raymond Bremner says 'there are considerable opportunities to derive more income to support the overall work of Highland Council.'
She say amid 'the challenge of the climate and nature emergency, the wellbeing economy approach is a great way to go.'
The parties separately underlined how Scotland was energy rich but fuel poor and demand action from the UK government
He says 'the promised autumn update on a new timescale has been missed – as if we’re not already used enough to missed SNP A9 deadlines.'
She says 'if there are not enough jobs, not enough houses, unreliable transport and public services in these communities, people will not stay.'