Parents says additional support is not available where it should be as the focus is now on kids from deprived backgrounds.
Chief Superintendent Robert Shepherd says it is intended to create a ‘hostile’ environment for groups from Birmingham, Derby, Liverpool and London.
The five new bosses will work in areas like education, care, housing, property and health and social care.
He is the third member to leave the Conservative group at Highland Council since the 2022 election.
Opposition leader Alasdair Christie says ‘the question must be asked what damage or impact is it having on our children’s education.
So far 342 facilities have been screened producing a shortlist of the 40 worst performing buildings for carbon emissions.
Edward Mountain says ‘Going into competition with these businesses is madness’.
Highland Council upheld complaints concerning two other members of staff, one of whom was described as ‘hostile’ to the teenager.
The first Scottish site to be granted World Heritage status purely on the basis of its natural criteria is set to be recognised in parliament.
Opposition parties say they are ‘horrified’ by the move warning of the ‘potentially devastating unintended consequences’.
Problems include a ‘no documentation or scrutiny of the whole discharge planning’ process and a lack of review leading to ‘significant cost impacts’.
Fergus Ewing warns ‘this is unfair to the existing businesses and potentially illegal and unsafe for holiday makers’.
Scottish Labour says ‘This is what privatisation looks like – those who can, pay for a private dentist; those who can’t, suffer’
In the first adjournment debate of new the parliament, he said: ‘17 years of centralisation has wreaked havoc on my part of the world’.
MP Jamie Stone says ‘the Highlands is the biggest generator of clean, green energy in Scotland, and yet we suffer from a lack of job opportunities’.
He says he has heard ‘horror stories’ but ‘there is not the wit or willpower in the Scottish Government’.
Meanwhile Liberal Democrats head to London to represent the Highlands with a new UK government in place.
Jamie Stone intends to ‘get the health service right, let's get education right – these things matter and people were telling me that’.
Deputy First Minister says with two years before the Holyrood elections the SNP must ‘ensure we can demonstrate delivery, implementation and change’.
It is another seat for the Lib Dems who are enjoying a good night with the party expected to get more than 50 seats.