There’s still time to apply or nominate before the deadline on July 2
Enter the awards or sponsor a category and give your support to the Highland business community
Disgraceful scenes at football match in 1923, Draining cost burden in Wick in 1973 and Anger at daycare decision in 1998
Nominate your business woman of the year and top team
Make sure you enter the Highlands & Islands Food & Drink Awards by the extended deadline of June 16
Breakfast on the train in 1923, Major complex plan for Wick in 1973 and Wick festive lights scheme in 1998
Wage cut plan for council workers in 1923, Vandalism in Bignold Park in 1973 and British-Japanese battery plant in 1998
From cabin boy to commodore in 1923, Support for Struie upgrade in 1973 and Woman's bravery rewarded in 1998
Hospital upgrade appeal in 1923, Serious vandalism in Wick in 1973 and Play area dangers in 1998
Kong is friendly ferret looking for a new home. He is currently being cared for by the Scottish SPCA Caithness and Sutherland centre.
Common-sense hair rules in 1923, Top prize for 'Haddie Karate' in 1973 and Plans lodged for battery plant in 1998
Be sure to enter this year’s Highlands & Islands Thistle Awards by the extended deadline of May 19
'Outrage' claim at council meeting in 1923, One enrolment a year 'a benefit' in 1973 and Vandals target play park in 1998
It’s that time of year when thousands of learners are making their way into exam halls in schools and colleges up and down the country.
Wireless experiments at Wick in 1923, Protest at invalid's shower delay in 1973 and Ancient sites profile bid in 1998
Highlands & Islands Thistle Awards partnered with Mikeysline last year raising awareness about mental health issues in the sector
Graham Rooney, owner of Tain restaurant, Platform 1864, urges fellow businesses to enter this year’s awards
Where parents are divorced or living separately, making arrangements for a holiday abroad with their children can be challenging.
Halkirk well grievance in 1923, Social centre for old folks in 1973 and Community lead for Ormlie in 1998
There are lots of great reasons to enter the awards ‒ and it’s free!