13-bedroom Forsinard Hotel in Sutherland is up for sale.
Network Rail has taken measures along a section of the rail line in north Sutherland to reduce the number of deer hit by trains.
A Highlands and Islands Enterprise boss has said the findings of a newly published report are a "huge vote of confidence" for Space Hub Sutherland.
The court has approved the change of land use to allow Space Hub Sutherland to be built on Melness Crofters' Estate.
Portskerra Activ’ Club’s first ever Melvich Beach Day, held last Saturday in association with Think Health Think Nature, was a roaring success.
Supporters of a satellite launching facility on the north coast say the countdown can begin after a court decided not to block planning consent.
A reception was held on the station's platform when Prince Charles met representatives of the railway industry and the neighbouring castle.
The 400km, eight-day event started at Fort William and ended at Cape Wrath lighthouse on Sunday.
A Highland test pilot flew billionaire Sir Richard Branson to the edge of space in a momentous flight on Sunday.
A rare white puffin has been spotted by Scottish Wildlife Trust rangers on Handa Island wildlife reserve off the west coast of Sutherland.
The veteran cyclist from Durness completed the 516-mile route in 29 hours, five minutes and 42 seconds,
Royal Dornoch Golf Club is offering free rounds on both its courses to NHS and care staff for the remainder of May and all of June.
The fledgling hotel company which last month purchased the Kylesku Hotel has announced the acquisition of another three hotels on the North Coast 500.
The long-serving postmistress has run the rural branch since 1984.
Highland Coast Hotels Ltd has sealed the deal on its first acquisition - the Kylesku Hotel, run for 12 years by Tanja Lister and Sonia Virechauveix.
WATCH: A masterplan outlining ideas to turn Brora into a showpiece tourism destination has unveiled at an online presentation.
A confrontation between local residents and a couple camping at a historic Sutherland ruin is feared to be a foretaste of what is to come this summer.
Proceedings which were due to take place tomorrow as part of a judicial review involving Space Hub Sutherland, have been postponed.
Communities4Coul is working towards achieving not just a championship golf course but also an eco-hotel.
A petition for a judicial review of the decision by Highland Council to grant planning consent for Space Hub Sutherland has been granted.