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Arrest warrant issued over 'no show' at Wick Sheriff Court

Wick Sheriff Court.
Wick Sheriff Court.

A SHERIFF ordered the arrest of a woman who claimed that the reason she couldn't appear in court was that her grandfather had died.

Rebecca Bremner (24) had been due to appear at Wick Sheriff Court on Wednesday for sentence on an assault charge she admitted previously.

She assaulted Holly Mackay and struck her on the head to her injury in Wellington Avenue, Wick on February 19.

Solicitor Willie Young gave the death of Bremner's grandfather for her non-appearance but, replying to Sheriff Ian Miller, said he had no proof of the explanation.

Mr Young said: "I simply have her word on the matter".

Sheriff Miller observed that Bremner, of Harrow Terrace, Wick, had a history of not attending the court when required to do so and issued a warrant to apprehend Bremner.

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