Flooding has sparked the closure of the Far North Line and the cancellation of railway services on the route.
Post Office Ltd has issued a clarification after giving wrong information when publicising the arrangements for Wick's new mobile post office service.
A rallying call has been issued to the public in Thurso to support local businesses in their recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.
Energy firm Statkraft has opened a virtual exhibition to present its final proposals for Ackron Wind Farm, near Melvich.
People in Caithness are being urged to mark Remembrance Sunday and Armistice Day at home this year.
A scheme to fit all homes with interlinked fire and carbon monoxide alarms by February 2021 looks set to be delayed after a backlash.
MORE than 900 people have tested positive for Covid-19 in NHS Highland since the coronavirus pandemic began.
Thurso's Pentland View care home has been praised in a report which said 'residents and relatives spoke very highly of the care they received'.
Local MP Jamie Stone is seeking action over a child maintenance case in which one of his constituents is said to be owed £30,000.
Civic leader Willie Mackay has expressed misgivings over the opening times of the mobile post office that will be introduced in Wick in November.
A Caithness artist has raised £800 for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust after being inspired by the Big Hoof journey to donate two paintings to the cause.
A plea has gone out to find a new owner for an overlooked snake in Caithness in the run-up to Reptile Awareness Day on October 21.
Caithness residents are urged to keep their guard up in the fight to tackle the current coronavirus pandemic.
Saturday saw the long-awaited return of sheepdog trials in the north of Scotland, with the Mey Nursery Trials attracting nearly 30 competitors.
Police have launched an appeal for information following the theft of local AI technician Willie Mackay's van and trailer in Caithness yesterday.
Two charities are appealing for people in Caithness to help support the UK’s biggest food collection this Christmas.
SIXTEEN further Covid-19 infections have been detected across the NHS Highland health board region, it has been confirmed.
Worries over the financial outlook for Lyth Arts Centre have been eased for the time being after the venue was awarded £97,000.
A testing capacity issue with the UK government Lighthouse facility in Glasgow has impacted on today's coronavirus statistics.
Caithness Voluntary Group's Julie Marker is taking part in a series of seven online masterclasses being run by the Highland Third Sector Interface.