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How to access wind farm funds for your community

A SPECIAL funding advice day will take place on Thursday (November 7) to help various Caithness communities learn how to access wind farm money to benefit their areas.

Three funders will travel around three community venues that day and give funding advice to applicants or potential applicants.

Community benefit funding paid for the popular flower-arranging classes held in Lybster.
Community benefit funding paid for the popular flower-arranging classes held in Lybster.

The funders include Fiona Morrison, of SSE, who will talk about the SSE Beatrice Caithness Fund and the newly launched SSE Beatrice Partnership Fund; Linda Bremner, who will talk about the Lybster and Tannach Non-formal Learning Bursary scheme; and Eilidh Coll, of Foundation Scotland, who will have information on the E.ON Camster Fund, the Greencoat Stroupster Fund, the Wathegar and Wathegar 2 funds, the newly launched Bad á Cheò Community Fund and the Bad á Cheò Education and Training Fund.

Eilidh said: “As well as the specific information about each fund there will also be more general conversation about what makes a strong application, how you might benefit from a micro-grant, and the sorts of things that people interested in applying to a fund are put off by."

First-aid classes in Thrumster benefited from wind farm funding.
First-aid classes in Thrumster benefited from wind farm funding.

Linda added: “There are now so many different funds that it can be difficult for someone new to community funding to be able to see a path through it. This event provides an opportunity to have any questions answered.”

The day will start at Lybster Bowling Club at 9.30am, then move on to Thrumster Hall for 1.30pm, finishing at the Pulteney Centre in Wick at 6.30pm. Each event will last two to three hours with opportunities for one-to-one sessions with the funders at the end of each event. No pre-registration is necessary.

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