Murkle Community Centre was a blaze of colour last Saturday for the West of Caithness Annual Bulb Show.
Police Scotland’s first national campaign of the year is about to commence with the focus on speed limits.
Tesco stepped in to help local school pupils keen to boost their reading range recently.
Food and drink firms in the Highland Council area interested in improving environmental performance are being encouraged to join a new group.
The importance of strengthening links between the Highlands and European communities linked by the North Sea has been highlighted during talks.
The value of fish landings at Scrabster was the third highest for Scottish ports in January but down compared to the same month last year.
Bad weather prevented Bower Primary School marking Burns Day on January 25 – but nothing was going to stop them celebrating completely.
Highland Greens MSP Ariane Burgess is calling for a Far North Line station closed last year to be reopened.
A woman working to make sure Highland homes are being put to the best use is in the running for a national award in recognition of her achievements.
Dog attacks on Scottish livestock cost an estimated £123,000 last year, more than double the 2022 cost, latest figures from NFU Mutual reveal.
NHS Highland is holding winter vaccination clinics for eligible adults in Caithness in March.
Local churches are set to come together in Wick and Thurso to celebrate the annual World Day of Prayer.
Just short of 1000 incidents were reported to police across the Caithness area over a two-month period.
Pupils at Newton Park Primary School have been collecting goods to donate to the local food bank.
A bowling club has raised funds for a deserving local charity.
Service points will be closed next Thursday morning.
NFU Scotland has set out strategic policy priorities and key asks.
Employer and skills organisations have joined together to help deliver free events to help local businesses find out about apprenticeships.
Leading agricultural business event AgriScot is being brought forward by one week this year.
A plan to strengthen communities facing population decline, including funding for local-led research, initiatives and support has been published.