A plea has been made to Castletown community council to oppose a plan to build two wind turbines and a battery storage system between Bower and Durran
The value of fish landings at Scrabster harbour dropped by 40 per cent in March compared to the same month last year, according to new figures.
Industrial action planned this week by three unions at Dounreay over a pay dispute has been called off following a new offer being made by management.
A space industry convention for young people should be funded by the UK government and held in the far north, Jamie Stone said.
A fuel poverty scheme introduced nine years ago has helped just over two per cent of households across the Highlands, according to MP Jamie Stone.
The Nethercliffe Hotel held a series of fundraising events over March for Scotland's Charity Air Ambulance.
A film about Caithness, its people and landscape is to be screened in Thurso next week.
The "unbelievable" shortage of indoor sports facilities in the Thurso area is having "a serious impact" on local clubs and groups.
Scottish Water has plans to improve its infrastructure and install an additional 1000 monitors at discharge locations.
Caithness householders urged to check bills after ScottishPower refund promise
Plans to axe the vascular surgery service in the Highlands would be "a real worry and a concern" for patients in Caithness, according to a campaigner.
A call has been made for more facilities in Caithness for camper vans to try and prevent mess and litter being left on places such as beaches.
The GMB will co-ordinate strike action at Dounreay with the other two unions at the site, a representative has confirmed.
Sewage was dumped in the Highland area almost 1500 times last year – a figure described as "disgusting" by far north MP Jamie Stone.
A newly-refurbished area of the Castlehill Heritage Centre, which celebrates its 40th anniversary this year, will be officially opened next month.
The North Highland Initiative, which awarded more than £270,000 to communities last year, is ready to receive applications for its 2024 programme.
Caithness is set to take part in a major event to celebrate the 140th anniversary of the Boys' Brigade.
Unions at Dounreay “remain open to negotiating with management” over an improved pay deal but are preparing for a strike if no new offer is made.
Dounreay has had to bring in pest controllers to deal with an "unprecedented infestation of rats," according to a safety rep at the site.
Almost £6 million was spent by NHS Highland on projects which could be affected by a Scottish Government decision to put capital spending on hold.