Parasurfing history is made at Dunnet Beach
History was made at Dunnet Beach when it hosted Scotland’s first ever Parasurfing National Championships.
A round robin surfing competition took place with Jade Edward, who made history last year in becoming Scotland’s first ever representing surfer at the Para World Championships, taking the win in two out of the three heats contested.
However, the event wasn’t without drama as in the final heat Jade got a priority interference and points deducted after dropping into a wave where Lillie Noble (13) had priority.
Lillie’s good use of the priority rule secured first place in that final heat.
Overall, Jade Edward took first place with the highest wave scores on the day.
Sunday started with a surf training session in strong waves which tested the surfers and support crew alike. Putting together the coaching and briefing from Saturday’s experience, the support teams all worked to assist the surfers into the best waves where the surfers took over and put skills into practise giving the crowd of supporters an inspiring show on the north coast.
The event rounded to a close at the Pentland Hotel in Thurso, firstly looking back at the surfing action where the surfers could see themselves in quality video playback with coaching on the scoring potential of the waves.