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Report points to role of enterprise agencies in Scotland's economic recovery

By Alan Hendry

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Alistair Dodds said the report underlined the potential of rural regions to make a strong contribution Scotland’s economic revival. Picture: Ewen Weatherspoon
Alistair Dodds said the report underlined the potential of rural regions to make a strong contribution Scotland’s economic revival. Picture: Ewen Weatherspoon

The chairman of Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) has welcomed a report that sets out how enterprise agencies can help Scotland's economy get back on track.

Alistair Dodds was speaking after the Scottish Government's Advisory Group on Economic Recovery issued 25 recommendations in response to the impact of the coronavirus outbreak.

The advisory group, led by Benny Higgins, was established in April to provide expert advice on Scotland’s economic recovery once the immediate emergency had subsided.

Mr Dodds noted that the report underlined the potential of rural regions to make a strong contribution Scotland’s economic revival.

“This is a very thorough and detailed report and I want to record our thanks to Benny Higgins and the advisory group for turning it around so quickly," he said.

“One thing I particularly welcome is that there’s a big focus here on practical steps that the enterprise agencies and our partners can take to lift the country out of the present situation and get the economy moving again as quickly as we can.

“Our businesses, third sector and communities need action from public bodies, and the report understands that.

“It’s also clear that the Highlands and Islands, and other rural areas, can play a central role in delivering Scotland’s economic recovery.

“Its emphasis on regionally driven development, underpinned by effective co-ordination between public bodies, aligns completely with our direction of travel as an agency.

“Many of the recommendations also highlight the significant potential of our islands and the rural mainland, particularly when that is supported by investment in digital infrastructure including high-speed broadband and mobile technology.

“Sectors including tourism, food and drink and creative industries that are particularly strong in the Highlands and Islands are highlighted as having national significance.

“The region’s potential to play a leading role in developing the green economy is another aspect that we are committed to developing.

“The report also clearly understands the vital role of the third sector and communities in delivering recovery, which is very encouraging.

“Highlands and Islands Enterprise is pleased to welcome this report and looks forward to adopting its recommendations in our own forward planning and actions.”

Benny Higgins, who leads the Advisory Group on Economic Recovery, says Scotland is facing 'an economic challenge of monumental scale'.
Benny Higgins, who leads the Advisory Group on Economic Recovery, says Scotland is facing 'an economic challenge of monumental scale'.

Mr Higgins said: “Scotland faces an economic challenge of monumental scale. If we do not intervene radically to transform our economy, inequalities will drastically widen with long-term scarring for communities across the country, and for our young people in particular. This cannot be allowed to happen.

“The Advisory Group on Economic Recovery has worked at great speed over the past two months, engaging extensively with businesses and with wider civic society to understand the challenges that we face, but crucially to curate a set of recommendations that emphasise the immediate need to protect and create jobs, reduce inequalities by building a green and technology-led recovery, and make Scotland an attractive place to do business.

“To create a robust, resilient wellbeing economy, the public and private sector must now build a new partnership to prioritise and deliver bold action. And they must do so with purpose and urgency.”

The report was published on Monday and its recommendations will now be considered in detail by the Scottish Government and its partners.

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