North Highland filmmaker seeks residency to inspire environmental feature film
A Brora filmmaker is asking community groups and organisations throughout Caithness and Sutherland to help host a residency to support the development on an environmental focused feature-length film script.
The initiative is devised by Sutherland born filmmaker, Robert Aitken, whose previous short film, Strath-Steven COVE, about anti-watch marks found in a cave outside Brora was an online sensation.
Robert, who now lives in Aberdeen, says: “The topic of climate change and its impacts are something we simply can’t ignore any longer. Most of us think of loss of habitat somewhere far away, such as the rain rainforests or ice caps, but every place where each of us lives is affected. This residency will allow me to work on an idea that has been brewing for many months.
"Together with a new filmed approach I aim to highlight this very aspect of a local environmental issue as well as global.”
In exchange for the residency, Robert is offering a host organisation, or community, the unique opportunity to collaborate to produce a short film of their own local environmental story. This will include: script and story development; filming with audio; editing and post production; and delivery of a completed film.
“I’m looking for a location where there is a good cultural vibe and community spirit to stimulate my work. I'd like to get away from the inner city, where I spend most of my current time, so I can reconnect to a smaller place with nearby open spaces and colourful landscapes to inspire my research and writing.”
“On the time needed, I’m looking for a two to three month residency, starting mid-September if possible, but start October is also fine. A longer period is also an option and I’m open to most locations, including Caithness and Sutherland.”
Robert is also able to offer advice to a host venue on curating filmed content. “I’ve worked with museums and arts centres all over the country screening films and creating audio and visual installations. One common thing I’ve found is that well-crafted filmed media that connects with the public can be a real boost to an area's struggling economy by the addition of a cultural visitor attraction."
For a local host Robert can include – filmmaking training sessions; film and sound media assistance with a current project; collaboration with existing artists and training for staff and volunteers in creating impactful social media clips. Training in creating effective online video is cited by him as something that "has become a major factor in connecting with audiences".
He explained: “Most of us now have a mobile phone that can capture stunning video quality, but creating even a minute clip with an informative story and impact needs a little more skill. That’s why I developed my smartphone filmmaking masterclass to help liberate people to communicate better stories themselves on what’s happening on their doorstep."
In concluding Robert says: “When all is said and done, what we do, or don’t do, will define the next period of human existence. As a filmmaker today, I feel it’s my calling to record, document and create imaginative narratives that try to illuminate on this pivotal time through telling individual and collective stories. And like all good stories, they just need to start somewhere.”
If you have a suitable residency opportunity and would like to receive an environmental film portrait of your area, please get in touch with Robert through his website at: