NHS Highland puts out new plea for care reserves in Caithness
NHS Highland has put out another plea asking people to come forward to apply for its new initiative.
Care Reserves has been created to enhance support to the care sector during a time of fragility following the pandemic, and during winter pressures. This comes at a time where the NHS is feared to be 'broken'.
The reserves will consist of people working flexibly, who may or may not already have care experience.
NHS Highland's post states: "We are looking for people who are retired, looking to return to work or are already employed but have extra hours available.
"This is a Highland wide advert and we would welcome people in rural communities as well as the city to apply. Any offer of support will be gratefully considered and we will look to match the reserves to their local communities.
"No previous care experience is required and training and mentoring will be provided before work commences."
An NHS Highland spokesperson said: “ Fair pay will be provided in line with NHS Scotland agenda for change.
“We have initially advertised internally to offer our staff and those on our staff bank the opportunity to express their interest. The response to this has been very encouraging and we are pleased to be in a position to begin our external recruitment campaign.”