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Neil Gunn Writing Competition open for entries

The Neil Gunn Writing Competition 2023/24 is now open for entries.

There are four sections to the competition and entries must be submitted by a deadline of Friday, March 8.

There are four sections to the competition and entries must be submitted by a deadline of Friday, March 8.
There are four sections to the competition and entries must be submitted by a deadline of Friday, March 8.

The adult poetry and adult short story sections are open to all writers worldwide.

Pupils in years S3-S6 attending Highland Council schools can enter the secondary schools section while the primary school section is open to pupils in years P5-P7.

Quotes from Gunn's work have been given in each section to inspire entrants.

The entry fee for the adult sections of the competition is £10 per entry. For those wishing to enter both a poem and a short story, the total fee is £18. Entry to the schools' sections is free.

The competition is run by High Life Highland and the Neil Gunn Trust.

Full information on how to enter, the rules and entry forms are available on the Neil Gunn Writing Competition page: www.highlifehighland.com/neilgunn

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