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William and George present trophy to FA Cup winners Manchester United

By PA News

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The Prince of Wales was joined by Prince George as he presented the FA Cup to winners Manchester United at Wembley.

William, stood together with this son, handed the trophy to team captain Bruno Fernandes after the side’s 2-1 victory over rivals Manchester City on Saturday.

Both royals shook hands with both teams as they collected their runners-up and winners’ medals respectively.

George, 10, could be seen exchanging a few words with Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola as the latter walked past.

George spoke to Pep Guardiola after the manager received his runners-up medal from William (John Walton/PA)
George spoke to Pep Guardiola after the manager received his runners-up medal from William (John Walton/PA)

He also spoke briefly with former Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson following the full-time whistle.

William had earlier met the teams on the pitch ahead of of the showpiece match.

He has been president of the Football Association since taking over the role from the Duke of York in 2006.

William met each player from both starting line-ups before kick-off (John Walton/PA)
William met each player from both starting line-ups before kick-off (John Walton/PA)

William and George have attended Aston Villa football matches together on multiple occasions this year.

The prince’s appearance is likely to be one of only a handful made by the royal family in the coming weeks, after the monarchy postponed engagements “which may appear to divert attention or distract from the election campaign” following the announcement of a surprise summer General Election.

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