Music fest youngsters wow judges
COMPETITORS in this year’s Caithness Music Festival continued to wow judges as the event approaches its climax.
Adjudicators were astonished and delighted with the high standard of performances given by talented musicians from across the North this week.
To festival chairman Trevor Williams, their approval came as music to his ears.
Now in his 32nd year as chairman of the festival, he said the event has become of significant importance to the county.
“Seeing children take part in this festival is the biggest enjoyment that the organisers have,” he said.
“This is now the 57th Caithness Music Festival to be held and it is a well-established part of the Caithness culture. It has survived several crises over the years with cuts in cultural services in the Highlands. The fact we are still here makes the festival even more remarkable.”
Mr Williams said the number of participants has risen over the past three years which is a welcome trend.
“It is not the easiest job in the world, but it still get lots of support,” he told the Groat.
“The increase in participants is down to the support from teachers, parents and the children themselves who want to get involved. The event is mainly for the children but we also have adult performers in the evening.
“The adults do not perform at such a competitive level, but even they are starting to come along to the day sessions and joining in with the children. What is especially pleasing for me is how the adjudicators say how well organised the event is. If they didn’t enjoy coming here, they wouldn’t come back. But the adjudicators come back on a regular basis which is a great feeling.”
The overall singing champion will be presented with the Henry Rosie Shield at Thurso High tonight. The overall verse-speaking champion will also be handed the Thurso and District Round Table Shield.
Some of the best performers from the festival will be taking part in two special concerts at Thurso High and Wick Assembly Rooms on Monday at 7pm.
Results – Verse-speaking, boys P1: 1, Struan Mackay; 2eq, Will Bullen, Forse, and Lewis Sutherland, Miller Academy. Verse-speaking, girls P1: 1, Faye Mackay, Reay; 2eq, Anna Foubister, Reay, Kirsty Grant, Dunbeath, and Rhianna Mackay, Reay. Verse-speaking, girls P2: 1, Kate Mackay, Watten; 2eq, Karla Mackay, Reay, and Rebecca Pearson, Reay. Verse-speaking, boys P2: 1, Louis Pickering, Pennyland; 2eq, Rolo Bradley, Reay, Andrew Campbell, Halkirk, Ryan Henderson, Hillhead, Alex Kennedy, Canisbay, and Jamie Mackenzie, Watten.
Verse-speaking, boys P3: 1, Euan Cormack, Pennyland; 2eq, Sam Bullen, Forse, Max Kennedy, Keiss, and Michael Gunn, Dunbeath. Verse-speaking, girls P3: 1, Fara Donald, Mount Pleasant; 2eq, Mia Bain, Pennyland, Kari Durrand, Wick North, Samantha Mackay, Reay, and Emily Orbell, Hillhead.
Verse-speaking, girls P4: 1, Aimee Sinclair, Lybster; 2eq, Chloe Foubister, Reay, Rebecca Gow, Wick North, and Cara Mackenzie, Wick. Verse-speaking, girls P6: 1, Sarah Sinclair, Lybster; 2, Ellie James, Watten; 3eq, Laura Fidler, Mount Pleasant, and Gabrielle MacGregor, Miller Academy. Verse-speaking, boys S1-2: 1, Kieran Sutherland, Wick. Verse-speaking, boys S3+: 1, Michael Stone, Castletown. Verse-speaking, girls S1-2: 1, Ghislane Barry, Thurso; 2, Caitlin Forbes, Latheron; 3eq, Martha Garbe, Thurso, and Nicola Gray, Castletown.
Brass, preliminary: 1, Rachel Fotheringham, Pennyland; 2, Korbyn Cameron, Pennyland; 3eq, James McCafferty, Thurso High, and Rowan McInnes, Pennyland. Brass solo, grade seven and above: 1, Nathan Todd, Wick High. Brass solo, grade five: 1, Jessica Hopewell, Thurso High. Brass, grade three: 1, Kane Cameron, Thurso High; 2, Belinda Gordon, Thurso. Brass, grade two: 1, Jack Gow, Lybster; 2, Hannah Dunbar, Castletown.
Choirs, boys’ unbroken voices; 1, Miller Academy. Rural school choirs: 1, Castletown; 2, Watten. Primary school choirs P4-5: 1, Miller Academy. Primary school choirs P6-7: 1, Miller Academy. Primary school choirs P5-7: 1, Lybster.
Primary school Scots song: 1, Wick South P3-7; 2, Castletown; 3, Dunbeath P3-7. Sunday school group: 1, Pulteneytown Church Sunday Club. Primary and secondary choir, two contrasting pieces: 1, Thurso School Choir. 18 years and under choir, unison, two contrasting pieces: 1, Feis Ghallaibh Junior Choir. 18 years and under choir, two or more parts, two contrasting pieces: 1, Caithness and North Sutherland Children’s Choir.
Woodwind solo, preliminary: 1, Cate McGowan, Watten. Woodwind solo, grade one: 1, Paul Stewart, Watten; 2eq, Heather Bain, Thurso High, and Rosalind Hillhouse, Thurso.
Woodwind solo, grade two: 1, Mairead Hickey, Thurso High; 2, Erin Cormack, Wick High; 3, Rhianna Urquhart, Miller Academy.
Woodwind solo, grade three: 1, Eilidh Geddes, Thurso High; 2, Charlotte Mitchell, Thurso High; 3eq, Gary Bremner, Wick High, Sharon Mackay, Thurso, and Grace McCafferty, Thurso. Woodwind solo, grade four: 1, Lisa Cowie, Thurso High; 2, E. Geddes; 3, B. Gordon. Woodwind solo, grade five: 1, Eleanor Manson, Thurso High; 2, E. Geddes; 3, Cara Gordon, Thurso. Woodwind solo, grade seven and above: 1eq, B. Gordon and Rebecca Stewart, Wick High.
Vocal solo, girls S1-2: 1, C. Forbes; 2, Isla Cartwright, Calder; 3eq, M. Garbe; G. Barry and Eilidh Harper, Scrabster. Vocal solo, boys S3-6: 1eq, K. Cameron and Ben Denley-Spencer, Thurso. Vocal solo, girls S3-6: 1, Danielle Jameson, Thurso; 2eq, Alix Craig, Thurso, and Lizzy Ross, Thurso. Vocal solo, boys S1-2: 1, James McCafferty, Thurso.
Vocal duet, P1-7: 1, Kiri Johnston and Leanne Cormack, Keiss; 2, Beth Douglas and Megan Douglas, Bower; 3eq, Liam Miller and Jordan Kennedy, Keiss; Grace McCafferty and Murron McCafferty, Thurso. Vocal duet, S1-2: 1, E. Harper and G. Barry; I. Cartwright and Brianna Gordon, Calder; 3, Emma Mackay and Belinda Gordon. Scots song, S1: 1, C. Forbes; 2, I. Cartwright. Vocal duet, S3-6: 1, Lyndsay Vines and Joanna Harper, Thurso. Scots song, S2: 1, E. Harper; 2eq, G. Barry and M. Garbe.
Chanter, 10 years and under: 1, William Campbell; 2, Jack Gill; 3, Jack Manson. Chanter, 11 years and over: 1, Shona Tait; 2, Jordan Bain; 3, Caitlyn Taylor. Bagpipes, march: 1, Calum McLennan; 2, Gemma Strange; 3, Faith Harper. Bagpipes, strathspey and reel: 1, F. Harper; 2, G. Strange; 3, C. McLennan.
Group music-making, primary, small groups: 1, Alexander Deas and Hannah Durrand; 2, Canisbay Violin Duet; 3, Castletown TFC. Primary music-making, larger groups: 1, Castletown P5-6; 2, Castletown P6-7; 3eq, Keiss P4-7, Miller Academy, Mount Pleasant and Wick North.
Primary music-making, medium groups: 1, Dunbeath P3-7; 2eq, Musical Mayhem @ Miller A; Musical Mayhem @ Miller B. Group music-making, secondary grades four to six: 1, Two Tootlers, Thurso; 2eq, East Highland Saxophone Choir; East Highland Flute Group; Thurso High School Quartet. Primary music-making: 1, Feis Ghallaibh Junior Folk Group.
Operatic class: 1, Ruth Potts, Scotscalder. Lieder class, adult: 1, R. Potts and Jacky Potts, Scotscalder. Violin
Trophies – Practice Chanter Shield Primary: W. Campbell. Practice Chanter Shield Secondary: S. Tait. Piping Challenge Shield March: C. McLennan. Bagpipe Shield Strathspey and Reel: F. Harper.
Wick Quatercentenary Trophy: H. Durrand and A. Deas. Ferguson Shield: Castletown P5-6. Music Association Shield: Dunbeath P3-7. Roseburn Shield: Two Tootlers. Alliance Building Society Cup: Feis Gallaibh Junior Folk Group.
Dorothy Cup: G. Barry. Pentland Cup: A. Sinclair. Leslie Sheppard Cup: East Highland Concert Band. Anita Oberlander Cup: E. Harper and M. Garbe. Roseburn Shield: Thurso High School Wind Trio. Wick Town Improvements Shields: S. Sinclair.