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Halladale Film Club is taking part in the Climate Fringe Festival with event focusing on sustainable fashion

A remote north Sutherland film club is organising a community event focusing on sustainable fashion as part of the Climate Fringe Festival 2023.

Halladale Film Club is running a “Do What You Can” initiative in Halladale Community Hall on Friday, June 16.

The event will be held in Halladale Hall.
The event will be held in Halladale Hall.

The afternoon will include a clothes swish, workshops on sewing and upcycling; and also a film screening as well as time set aside to socialise.

Carol Russell, of the film club, said: “We all want to do our bit in the face of the increasingly pressing climate emergency.

“Science tells us that our global population is expanding and our resources are running out. So what can be done to help, beyond putting the recycling out every week?

“Well, we can start by making a few better choices and Halladale Film Club is putting on a community initiative event to look at issues surrounding fast fashion and explore a more sustainable approach to how we use our clothes.”

The afternoon starts with a Drop and Swap event – the hall will open its doors at 2pm.

“Folk are invited to drop off unwanted clothes, to have a browse and to find something new,” said Ms Russell. “There will also be mend and remake sessions where skills will be demonstrated from basic mending to upcycling garments.

“There will be an opportunity to sit and chat and enjoy some refreshments before the final event, which is a screening at 7pm of the inspiring film Fashion Reimagined.

“This is an award-winning film which looks at the many issues surrounding the fashion industry. It is a fascinating watch, not only for followers of fashion, but for everyone who wears clothes."

Ms Russell added: “We are keen to get as many people along as possible to this event and are giving a particular shout-out to anyone with basic sewing skills upwards – we would love to see you. Feel free to come along for all or part of the day.

“So, start clearing out your closets and look out your unwanted togs.”

Clothes can be dropped off at the West End Stores in Melvich in advance or can be brought along on the day.

For more information, see the Halladale Film Club's Facebook page.

The Climate Fringe Festival 2023 is a community-led and community-organised series of events taking place between June 10-18 across the whole of Scotland.

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