Entries up at Reay and District Garden Club's annual show but reduction in some sections
THE number of entries at the Reay and District Garden Club’s annual show was higher than expected although there was a reduction in some sections.
The event, which was held in the village hall on Saturday, was well supported with a colourful array of plants, flowers, fruit and vegetables along with tables of baking and produce.
The vegetable section proved popular but entries in the cut flower section were lower, as a result of the wet and windy weather earlier in the week.
Overall, the organisers were delighted with the response from the public and were encouraged to see some new names on the entry labels in all sections and many new faces coming along to enjoy the afternoon.
Reay Primary School pupils worked hard to produce artwork to enhance the show. A display of Fabulous Flowers by primaries one to three and Monet’s Garden created by pupils from primaries four to seven together with the contribution from the pre-school children called The Very Hungry Caterpillar added to the atmosphere of the show.
The traditional feature of the Tea and Cake was served within an area of the main hall.
Mrs Violet Blumfield judged the floral arrangements and the children’s exhibits. Mrs Eileen Sutherland judged the
produce and baking, while Mike Potts and Sinclair Manson were the judges for the pot plants, cut flowers and
The trophies were presented by Rowland Shallcross, a founder member of Reay and District Garden Club in 1977.
The club meets on the first Wednesday of the month in Reay Village Hall, with a varied programme of
illustrated talks, discussions and social events throughout the year. New members and friends are welcome.
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 6 when the topic will be After the Show: The Way Forward.
Pot plants
One Cactus: R Shallcross
One Succulent: S Harrison.
One Pot Plant, flowering: John Bingham.
One Pot Plant, foliage: K Rollings.
Three Pot Plants:Sheila Harrison
Patio Container: S Harrison.
Cut flowers
Three Dahlias(large/medium): D Manson.
Three Dahlias (miniature): Heather Campbell.
Six Sweet Peas:Margaret Alexander.
One Gladioli: Sophie Sutherland.
One Rose:John Bingham.
Three Sprays Roses: Isobel Mackenzie.
One Begonia Bloom: D Manson.
Six Pansies: M Alexander
Four Marigolds (Calendula): Kirsty Crocket.
Four Marigolds (French): Heather Campbell
Six Perennials: Yvonne Morris
Six Annuals: Y Morris.
Six Annuals, same variety: K Crocket.
Six Perennials, same variety: S Harrison.
Three Flowering Shrubs:S Harrison.
Three Onions: Fred Groves.
Three Carrots, Long: Heather Campbell.
Three Carrots, Stump: Gilly Munro.
Two Beetroot: Lauryn Sutherland.
Two Turnips: L Sutherland.
Six Pods Peas:John Bingham.
Six Pods Broad Beans: D Manson.
Four Tomatoes, large:Fred Groves.
Six Tomatoes small: John Bingham.
Three Potatoes, round: D Manson.
Three Potatoes, long: Heather Campbell.
Any other Vegetable: D Manson.
Plate of Top Fruit: John Bingham.
Collection of Six Vegetables: D Manson.
Floral arrangements
The King’s Coronation: Evelyn Mowat.
Fresh Foliage Arrangement: E Mowat.
Unusual Container:Yvonne Morris.
Flowers in a milk jug: Kirsty Crocket.
School children: A Superhero made from fruit/vegetables: Darcey Alexander.
Rhubarb Jam: A Mackay.
Blackcurrant Jam: J Bannerman.
Raspberry Jam: D Bisset.
Strawberry Jam: J Bannerman.
Gooseberry Jam: C Steven.
Lemon Curd: M Ross.
Marmalade: A Mackay.
Jelly, any kind: A Mackay.
Chutney: G Munro.
Carrot Cake: R Leavesley
Four Fruit Scones: R Leavesley.
Cheesecake: R Leavesley.
Four Sausage Rolls: H Campbell.
Four Shortbread Biscuits: R Leavesley.
Children’s baking
School Children. Gingerbread Crown: Sophie Sutherland. Four Pieces Traybake: Freya Innes.
Pre-School Children. A Decorated Coronation Biscuit: Isla Sutherland. Two Marshmallow Top Hats: Cameron Morris.
Children’s art exhibits
Primaries one, two, three Fabulous Flowers: Clara Anderson Murphy
Primaries four to seven Monet’s Garden: Sophie Sutherland
Pre-School The Very Hungry Caterpillar: Cameron Morris.
Trophy Winners
Don Manson, Rita Leavesley, Annie Mackay, Sheila Harrison, John Bingham, Rowland Shallcross, Evelyn Mowat.