Church launches YouTube channel and phone line
Pulteneytown and Thrumster Church is responding to the coronavirus crisis by providing updates and services through a new YouTube channel and a telephone line.
It is also offering expanded content on its Facebook page at a time when restrictions have been placed on regular services.
Church buildings can no longer be kept open as places for people to go and pray following the new measures put in place by the UK and Scottish governments on Monday.
A message from the Pulteneytown and Thrumster minister, the Rev Andrew Barrie, has gone up already and a Sunday service will be available from 11.30am each Sunday until further notice.
“Firstly, we want to recognise that this is a hard time for everyone in our county," Mr Barrie said. "We are sincerely praying for everyone in our county and especially those key workers in the NHS, carers and supermarket workers too.
"We also recognise what a struggle this is for the elderly, families and for businesses.
“We want to help in any way we can, but we recognise we are all limited. We hope that through these different means, we will be able to help our community draw near to God and receive his comfort and care.
“We also want to be there for our community and so, if anyone would like to talk, either myself or Rob Petersen, our mission development worker, are available by phone. Contact details are on the church Facebook page and website.”
Pulteneytown and Thrumster Church is based at Argyle Square, Wick.
Its phone line is 01955 957 005 (local call charge applies, unless you have free minutes on your landline or mobile phone contract).
Facebook: @pulteneytownthrumsterchurch