Young people getting exam results in Caithness can access free support and advice with Childline
A Scottish charity is offering advice and help to young people as they get their exam results this week.
Childline is giving free, confidential support and advice to young people under the age of 19 at or by phone on 0800 1111.
Adeniyi Alade, service head helplines at Childline Scotland said: "At Childline we know that results day and the period running up to it can be a really stressful time for young people and it is vital they feel supported and listened to.
“Young people often tell us they are worried they will get lower grades than they need to get into their preferred course or University, and they feel anxious and unsettled because it’s out of their control.
“Often, they have high expectations for themselves, or they feel their family is putting them under pressure to perform well.
“Some young people think their whole future depends on these results and this is their last chance to get into the further education course of their choice, or an apprenticeship that they have applied for. But it is important they know there are many options, whatever their grades are.
“It’s possible the young person could appeal their results or resit their exams the following year. They could also look at alternative courses or universities through clearing, and there’s the option of taking a gap year. Speaking to a teacher could be very helpful in assisting a young person to decide on which is the best option to take.
“If any young person is feeling apprehensive and worried about their results, I’d urge them to talk to someone about it.
“It can be very upsetting for a young person not to get the grades they had hoped for or expected, and it can affect their confidence. But it’s important for them to know that many others are going through the same thing and there are a range of options to explore.
“There are also lots of trusted adults they can turn to for help and support, whether that’s a teacher, careers advisor, parent, carer or Childline.
“Every year our specially trained counsellors carry out counselling sessions with hundreds of children across the UK who are worried about their exams and results. They listen to the young person’s concerns, offer advice about dealing with anxiety and help explore the different options available for those who don’t get their desired results.
“The conversation is confidential and no worry is ever too small.”
Childline also provided advice for both young people and caregivers:
For young people who may not achieved the results they wanted:
- Ask a teacher, careers advisor or any adult you trust what they think and discuss your options and how you are feeling.
- Remind yourself of what you did well in whether that be specific pieces of coursework, or other parts of your life.
- Don’t compare yourself to your friends.
- If you do not feel your grade reflects your ability speak to your school about making an appeal.
- Look at other courses or training programmes and apprenticeships that you can do.
- If you haven’t got a place at your chosen university, try not to worry as there is a chance you could get a place at another university through the clearing process.
- Take a gap year and do something different like volunteering.
- Look at different courses that you can do with the grades you have achieved.
For parents and carers:
- Your child may find it hard to talk to you about their results so be patient and supportive until they feel ready to talk about how they feel.
- Encourage your child to take their time to think about what they want to do next. There’s no need to rush into a decision straightaway.
- Help them think about their choices by writing down a list of pros and cons for each of their options
- If they are finding it hard to talk to you, let them know they can contact Childline for free, confidential support and advice on 0800 1111 or
There is also an option for those getting results to talk to other young people who are going through similar experiences on the Childline message boards.