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Call for NC500 businesses to support design of new re-usable Cup Movement

Cup Movement.
Cup Movement.

Keep Scotland Beautiful is calling for businesses that sell takeaway hot and cold drinks in the area around the NC500 route to join the Cup Movement in the Highlands.

The environmental charity will be trialing a re-usable cup scheme during 2023 in the Highlands and is now looking for businesses to get involved to share their knowledge and experiences and support the design process to develop a scheme that will work for them and their customers.

The new Cup Movement campaign aims to make it easier for businesses and customers to choose to use a re-usable cup when purchasing takeaway drinks in NC500 area of the Highlands.

A webinar will be available from December 20, providing an opportunity for people to find out more about the reusable cup trial, the time scales for design and its roll out. It will also provide more information on how businesses can contribute to the design of the scheme.

Catherine Gee, deputy chief executive of Keep Scotland Beautiful said: “Single use cups are a classic example of the throwaway culture that we want to help change. Millions of single use cups are wasted every year, and we want to make re-usable mainstream.

“Our planned trial of a re-usable cup deposit scheme in collaboration with NorthCoast 500, Zero Waste Scotland and Highland Good Food Partnership will take learning from our innovative Cup Movement in Glasgow.

“We know that many small businesses lack the time and investment to explore alternative solutions to single use cups. So, we urge those that sell takeaway hot and cold drinks in the area around the NC500 route to get in touch and find out how to join Cup Movement in the Highlands.”

In bringing Cup Movement to the Highlands, Keep Scotland Beautiful will also explore the challenges of cups, bust some of the myths around compostable cups and recycling, and highlight some of the upcoming measures that may come into force impacting businesses such as mandatory takeback and a single use cup charge.

Early in 2023 there will also be opportunities to share thoughts on the logistics and marketing of any scheme, and for customers to share their views in online polling.

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