'Brilliant opportunity' to learn about jobs on offer in Caithness
Job seekers are being invited to what is being billed as the largest and most comprehensive job, career, training and recruitment event in Caithness.
Taking place next weekend, Caithness Jobs and How to Get Them offers visitors a chance to gain valuable insights into skills requirements, training programmes and apprenticeships, as well as current job vacancies.
There will be interactive exhibitions from employers, a live vacancies board and a CV clinic with expert insights and top tips from more than 35 employers.
Caithness Chamber of Commerce CEO Trudy Morris said: “After great feedback from our event last year in Thurso, we are excited to be returning to Wick this year. We have over 30 exhibitors attending, providing a fantastic opportunity for people to learn about vacancies, apprenticeships, access to training, and more.
“The event will offer something for everyone, whether you are considering a career change, actively seeking work or volunteering opportunities, or interested in college courses or apprenticeships. You can meet and talk to multiple industry representatives who can assist you.
“We will be joined by local and national employers from a wide variety of sectors and industries, including representation from Police Scotland, the Royal Air Force, the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and NHS Highland alongside local industry leaders in engineering, hospitality, construction, and renewables. It’s a brilliant opportunity to meet real employers and hear first-hand about career pathways and skills requirements, all under one roof.”
The event, led by Caithness Chamber of Commerce’s Developing the Young Workforce North Highland initiative in partnership with Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Jobcentre Plus, North Highland College UHI, Skills Development Scotland and Highland Council, will take place at the East Caithness Community Facility on Saturday, February 3.