Anglers hear tale of 13lb salmon at opening of Forss Water
The opening of the salmon season on the Forss Water was marked on Monday when around 20 people gathered for the occasion.
There were familiar faces and a few newcomers but it wasn’t long before conversation filled the morning stillness. It was a beautiful winter morning that was welcome after the gales and cold wintry days of the previous week.
Eddie McCarthy gestured to those gathered to follow the piper, Alister Miller, down behind the Forss House Hotel along the river bank and across the small bridge at Brogie where the ceremony would take place on the far bank.
After the guests were all assembled, drams were offered before Hugh Cubitt, the chairman of Forss House Fishing’s, gestured for all to assemble so he could deliver a short story about a special occasion he had on the Forss many years ago.
The story was about his first salmon and how he struggled to land it as he’d never caught a salmon before. He was still learning the ropes when the fish was hooked and his gillie was nowhere at hand to assist and encourage him.
Apparently, the gillie was busy chatting with Mrs Cubitt unaware of Hugh’s predicament. Despite Mr Cubitt’s inexperience, he did manage to land the fish, a nice 13-pound salmon.
After the story was told, the traditional dram was offered up to the river by Jock Campbell and then Doctor Rachel Davidson was introduced as she would be casting the first fly of the season. New to casting herself, Mr Pat Quinn was by Rachel’s side with words of encouragement as she cast out the line several times on the river.
Rachel was applauded for her efforts and that concluded the river opening ceremony.
The assembled guests started to make their way back to the hotel where hot drinks and bacon rolls awaited their arrival. Victoria Ross, the organiser of the event, offered cups of hot coffee followed by more bacon rolls.
Thanks were offered to the Forss House Hotel for their hospitality and for opening their doors for the opening day ceremony.