JAPPY - The family of the late James Jappy, 4 St Clair Avenue, Scrabster, wish to thank relatives, friends, neighbours and colleagues for the kind expressions of sympathy extended to them personally, also by way of cards, telephone calls, floral tributes and home baking received following their recent sad loss. Sincere thanks are extended to all the staff at Seaview House Care Home for their constant and dedicated care and attention shown to James. Special thanks to Rev. Elinor Gordon for her comforting and uplifting service; to Dunnett's Funeral Directors for their care, guidance and professional, well organised funeral arrangements which led to the day being more endurable; to Buds 'n' Blooms for the lovely floral arrangements and to La Mirage and their staff for the provision of the after-service soup, tea and sandwiches. Finally, grateful thanks to all who travelled from near and far to pay their last respects at the church and graveside and to all who generously donated £783.00 to the Seaview House Residents Care Fund and Alzheimer Scotland.