Work set to start on access road and car park for Sutherland Spaceport
Orbex has announced that it is set to kickstart the next stage in the development of Sutherland Spaceport.
The UK-based spaceflight firm, which intends to launch rockets carrying commercial satellites into Earth’s orbit from the spaceport, is overseeing the construction project.
A spokesman for the firm said site preparations has begun yesterday and construction work was scheduled to start on Friday, June 16.
“This phase of development will focus on the access road and the car park area, which will also serve as the construction compound during the project,” he said.
“Key parts of this phase will include preparatory excavation work and the creation of a stone base for the compound area as well as the installation of a floating road."
As part of the preliminary works, new passing places were due to be created on the A836, the main North Coast road.
A total of 17 locations between Tongue and Bettyhill were identified where lay-bys would either be created, extended or resurfaced.
The spokesman continued: “The upcoming work also involves environmental survey work related to the location of one passing place, expected to be concluded shortly, leading to the completion of the last passing place by June 16. All other passing places from the first phase of construction have been completed ahead of schedule.”
The new phase will lead to the re-starting of temporary traffic control measures around the bell mouth area of the spaceport as construction extends northwards onto the main site.
Once the construction advances away from the close proximity to the A838 the need to continue with temporary traffic control measures will be reviewed. In line with the approved traffic management plan, stone delivery vehicles will operate throughout the project period.
Construction work is being managed by the Jacobs construction team.