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Wick man missed court date after being ‘intoxicated’ when signing bail forms

A Wick man who was the subject of an arrest warrant after he failed to attend court on Tuesday turned up a day later and admitted breaking into a Wick supermarket with intent to steal.

Macki Scott (21) will be sentenced in February 5, after Sheriff Neil Wilson considers a background report.

Wick Sheriff Court.
Wick Sheriff Court.

The offence occurred on December 8, last year, at the Co-op store in Thurso Street, Wick, where Scott had intended stealing items of food.

The court at Wick heard that the reason Scott, of Telford Street, Wick, failed to appear on Tuesday was that he failed to take note of the date for his appearance having been “heavily intoxicated” when he signed his bail form.

Sheriff Wilson allowed the accused, who has a record of offending, bail, but imposed a curfew of 7pm-7am, daily.

View our fact sheet on court reporting here

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