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Tangled nightmare of Dunnet seabird tells sad story of eco issue

A dead seabird tangled in a fishing line on Dunnet beach highlights the importance of environmental volunteers cleaning the Caithness coastline.

The images were shared on the Facebook of environmental volunteer group Caithness Beach Cleans which was started up by Dorcas Sinclair several years ago.

A fulmar was found tangled in fishing line at Dunnet beach. Picture: George Robertson
A fulmar was found tangled in fishing line at Dunnet beach. Picture: George Robertson
Dorcas Sinclair from Caithness Beach Cleans said the bird would have experienced a slow agonising death. Picture: George Robertson
Dorcas Sinclair from Caithness Beach Cleans said the bird would have experienced a slow agonising death. Picture: George Robertson

Dorcas said: “One of our group members sent the pictures to me this morning [Thursday, January 9].

“The bird was found on Dunnet Beach and it highlights the importance of people removing any fishing waste they see on the beach. It is so sad to see this, the bird must have had an awful, slow death.”

George Robertson who took the pictures said he was very “saddened by its miserable avoidable death” and said the bird appeared to be a fulmar.

The fulmar was found tangled in fishing line at Dunnet beach. Picture: George Robertson
The fulmar was found tangled in fishing line at Dunnet beach. Picture: George Robertson

One person, commenting on the Facebook page said: “Beautiful fulmar, they are already in drastic decline as it is.” Many others expressed their sadness with comments and emojis.

The discarded fishing gear is believed to be from a commercial fishing operation called longlining. Fishing vessels use long horizontal fishing lines, up to a mile in length, from which hang leader lines.

The problem of discarded fishing nets and lines, known as ghost gear, has been highlighted by the environmental group many times in the past. In 2021, Dorcas and her husband came across two dead gannets with their beaks tangled in discarded fishing gear.

The sad sight of gannets caught by their beaks in a discarded piece of fishing net. Picture: Dorcas Sinclair
The sad sight of gannets caught by their beaks in a discarded piece of fishing net. Picture: Dorcas Sinclair

Caithness Beach Cleans is always looking for volunteers and can be reached via its Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/groups/2561533860586878

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