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Strong demand for lambs, ewes and rams at Caithness sale

Quoybrae Livestock Centre.
Quoybrae Livestock Centre.

QUOYBRAE, Aberdeen & Northern Marts on Monday sold 5813 prime and store lambs, feeding ewes and rams incorporating Dunbeath, Bettyhill, Forsinard and North West Sutherland areas.

The overall sale average was £90.06 (+£19.99 on the year).

Cheviot ewe lambs (880) averaged £89.25 (+£23.06) to £210 for Black Cheviots from Blarmhor, Achentoul.

Cheviot Wedder lambs (2766) averaged £83.98 (+£18.39) to £132 from Lower Westerdale, Thurso.

Cross lambs (1676) averaged £101.31 (+ £20.90) to £142 for Suffolks from Melvich Hotel Farm, Melvich.

Prime lambs (336) averaged 296.4p sold to 321.9p per kg for 48kg Texels from Quarryside, Castletown and £163.50 gross for 58kg Charolais from 31 Larel.

Feeding ewes and rams (155) averaged £137.55 and sold to £205 for Texels from Bardnaclavan, Bridge of Westfield.

“The opening store lamb sale of the season at Quoybrae did not disappoint with an overall all increase of £19.99 being achieved on the year.”

Leading prices per area


Ewe lambs: Chev – Braemore £130; Tacher £122 £98; Cnocgil £112; Achavrole £100, £95; Upper Smerral £96. Tex- Tacher £117, £100; Suf- Boulcrawford £112, £96.

Store lambs: Chev – Dunbeath Estate £113, Tigh-na-Bruich £11; Hilton £107; Braemore £105, £95; Upper Smerral £104, £96; Tacher £98; Torbeg £97; Cnocgoil £96; Achavrole £95; Boulcrawford £94; Braehillior £92. Cont- Wellbeck Farms £110. Tex- Tacher £110, £90; Wellbeck £110, Boultach £106, £80; Braehillor £100. Suf- Boulcrawford £99; £85. BF- Wellbeck Estate £78.

Blk- Braehillor £72.

Bettyhill & Skerray

Ewe lambs: Chvmule- 110 East Kirtomy £120; Chv- 183 Strathtongue £105; 3 Borgie £100; 110 East Kirtomy £92, £88, £87; 26 Langdale £90. Tex- 110 East Kirtomy £101, £86, £82. Black Chev – 8 Achina £102, £86.

Store lambs: Tex- 110 East Kirtomy £123, £90, £82. Chev – 5Achina £116,£113; 3 Borgie £110, £93; 20 Strathnaver £109; 120 Newlands £95; 183 Strathtongue £93; 99 Kirtomy £91; 18 Lotts £89; 110 East Kirtomy £88, £87; 118 Newlands £88. BFL- 110 East Kirtomy £106. Suf -8 Achina £86. Blk- 8 Achina £83

Halladale, Forsinard and Portskerra

Ewe lambs: Black Chev – Bhlarmhor £185; Chev- Melvich Hotel Farm £115; 177 Trantlemore £112, Thistle House £110, £98.

Store lambs: Suff – Melvich Hotel Farm £142; Kirkton £122, £106; Golval £99, £84. Chv- Melvich Hotel. Farm £116; 177 Trantlemore £107, £96; Goval £97. Tex- 170 Trrantlemore £112, £95.

Chv Rigs- Thistle house £90. Blk- Bhlarmhor £92.

Armadale and Strathy

Ewe lambs: Chev –184 Armadale £150, £122; 14 Baligill £132, £105; 19 Baligill £118, £102; 58 Strathy West £95. Suf - 128 Totiegan £95

Store lambs: Tex- 27 Brawl £113, £99. Suf – 128 Totiegan £109; Murray House £100. Chev – 14 Baligill £104; 184 Armadale £100, £97; 128 Totiegan £99; 19 Balgil £95; 14 Baligill £86; 58 Strathy West £80. BF- Murray House £92, £69.


Ewe lambs: Chv- The Hirsel, West Greenland £135; Oust Farm, Bridge of Westfield £102; Bridgend, Mid-Clyth £97; Burnthill £84. Texel – Whiteleen £116.

Store lambs: Suff – The Hirsel £142; Dounreay Post Office £133, £113, £105; Taldale £132, £126, £110; Sibster £129; 19 Larel £123, £105; Burnthill £106. Tex- Sibster £133; Whiteleen £116; Balmore £110, £94 Chv – Lower Westerdale £132, £117; The Hirsel £108, £98; Inkstack £97;; Taldale £97; Brackside £96, Bridgend £96; Blingery £90. Blk- Sibster Farm £131, £130; The Hirsel £122. NCC- Dounreay Post Office £118, £98; The Ha £107; Whiteleen £96. Dor- Sibster £112. SufX- Taldale £103.

Prime Lambs: TexX- Ochnigh, Upper Lybster £158.50, West Watten 310.8p; TexX- West Watten £158.50, Quarryside 321.9p; SufX- Sibster £154.50, Quarryside 315.6p; Cont- Quarryside £154.50. 11 Castlehill Av 308.8p; Suf- Scarmclate £153.50, £152.50, Quarryside 313.5p; ChvMule- Quarryside £152.50, 299p; DownX- Kirkfield £152.50, Scarmclate 311.2p; Tex- Myrelandhorn £151.50, Clatequoy 308.3p; Blk- Sibster £148.50, 297p; Chv- Mill Farm £148.50, 297p; Cha- Upper Giese £147.50, 313.8p; Cont- Myrelandhorn £146.50, 287.3p; HB- Myrelandhorn £135.50, 301.1p.

Feeding Ewes & Rams: TexX- Bardnaclavan £200; Sibmister £184.50; Cont- Quarryside £189.50, £141.50; Tex- Quarryside £184.50, £179.50; BFL- Sibmsiter £179.50; Suf- Quarryside £177.50, 2 Forss, Hunster Bower £159.50; NCC- Bardnaclavan £164.50, West Watten £145.50; Blk- Sibmsiter £159.50; ChvMule – Quarryside £159.50; ChvX- Sibmister £157.50; Mule- Cairnside £144.50; Chv- Melvich £119.50.

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