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Presentation marks Prof Baikie's parent council service

Newton Park’s head teacher Lilian Wark makes the presentation to Professor Iain Baikie.
Newton Park’s head teacher Lilian Wark makes the presentation to Professor Iain Baikie.

Professor Iain Baikie of Wick has been given a presentation to mark his many years of dedication as a parent council member.

He served for a total of 19 years, first at Pulteneytown Academy and then on the Newton Park parent council after the new school was built. Prof Baikie has been chairperson throughout most of that time.

At Newton Park’s first parent council meeting of the new session, head teacher Lilian Wark thanked him for his tireless work on behalf of both schools and highlighted the many projects he had led to enhance the learning experiences of the children.

Prof Baikie received commemorative glasses engraved by Willie Bain of Wick Engraving, featuring the Newton Park badge.

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