PICTURES: Melvich Primary School and Early Learning Centre shines with heartwarming nativity play ‘Prickly Hay’
It was an enchanting performance that captivated the audience and got everyone in the Christmas spirit.
Melvich Primary School’s Christmas show on Tuesday, December 10, involved all pupils from the Early Learning Centre through to P7.
Parents, staff, and members of the wider community packed the school hall to watch the production of the nativity play ‘Prickly Hay.’ They then enjoyed refreshments provided by the Parent Council.
The musical, written by Mary Cliff and Kelly Fort, is described as having a “fun hoedown flavour” and tells the story of Holly, a young stable girl who feels downcast because no one seems to notice her hard work in keeping the stable clean and the hay fresh for all the animals.
Her faithful friend Shrew tries to keep Holly’s spirits up, but she continues to feel very insignificant.
However, as the crowds gather in Bethlehem for the census and the inns fill up, some very special visitors are shown into Holly’s stable, and gradually, as the miraculous events of the night unfold, Holly begins to realise her worth with a little help from Shrew.
The roles of Holly and Shrew were beautifully played by Aurelia Sweeting and Scarlett Heddle, while Rowan Ellis kept the play on track as narrator Sam, a hard-working stable boy.
Early Learning Centre pupils Rory O’Brien and Hali Jardine were particularly adorable as a shepherd and angel.
But all pupils starred in the roles they were given.