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Highland Council apologise as glass bottle banks remain full across Caithness

Bottle banks remain full after a problems with the contractor.
Bottle banks remain full after a problems with the contractor.

Highland Council has apologised to the public after glass bottle banks across the region remain full.

It has said that this is due to the collection contractor experiencing issues with vehicle breakdowns.

A statement released on the Highland Council's Facebook page said:

"The Council would like to apologise that some glass bottle banks across the region are full. The Council’s glass collection contractor is experiencing issues with glass bank emptying due to vehicle breakdowns, which has been exasperated by the seasonal increase in glass recycling demand over the festive period.

"The Council and the Contractor are working hard to find a swift resolution.

"In the meantime, if your local glass bank is full, please avoid leaving your glass by the banks - take it away with you until the banks have capacity.

"Nairn and Lochaber areas will be prioritised.

"Further updates will be provided as soon as possible."

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