Now 37 cases in NHS Highland coronavirus cluster in Grantown
The total number of confirmed coronavirus cases within the Grantown community has increased to 37, NHS Highland says.
Thirty-four of these cases are linked with Millers of Speyside abattoir.
Since the cluster was announced more than 600 swab tests have been done and reported negative for people living in the Grantown area.
Deshar Nursery in Boat of Garten will reopen as planned today, following advice from Public Health.
NHS Highland’s Health Protection Team is continuing contact tracing with all those identified as close contacts being advised to self-isolate.
"Any close contacts of positive cases will be identified through this route – if you have not been contacted by our Health Protection Team please be reassured that there is no cause for concern," said Dr Tim Allison, director of public health.
He added: “The investigation so far has shown that the majority of these confirmed cases are linked with Millers of Speyside abattoir.
"While it is good news that there is little community transmission it is important that we do not become complacent and continue to follow the national guidance to keep you and others safe.
"This includes physical distancing, wearing a face-covering when in enclosed spaces, cleaning your hands and surfaces regularly and immediately self-isolating if you develop symptoms.”
The mobile testing unit will remain based at the Grantown Fire Station until tomorrow (Wednesday) this week.
"Anyone with symptoms of Covid-19 should seek a test.
"You can book a test for yourself, someone you care for, or a child in your care but you only need to book a test if you have symptoms or you have been explicitly asked to get a test by our public health team."
A test can be booked by calling 0800 028 2816 or visiting the NHS Inform website.
"You do not need to call NHS 24 to organise a test."
If anyone required to self-isolate needs support, e.g. with food supplies or financial assistance, they should contact the council’s Freephone Helpline on 0300 303 1362.
People wishing to volunteer their help should also contact this number.
Highland Council’s Environmental Health team are working closely with NHS Highland’s Health Protection team on Test and Protect.
Environmental Health will liaise with businesses with possible connections to positive Covid19 cases to check the Covid19 controls in place at the business.