Skills Development Scotland receive nearly 500 calls in one day to helpline after exam results
Hundreds of people across Scotland have been given help and advice with their SQA results by an expert group of careers advisers from Skills Development Scotland (SDS).
Advisers from across the North of Scotland are part of a national team of 52 experts that received nearly 500 calls from pupils, parents and carers on the first day (August 9) of the SDS Results Helpline.
The helpline offers advice about UK colleges and universities, confirmation and clearing, apprenticeships, jobs, volunteering and back to school options for Scottish pupils, parents and carers
Local careers adviser Joan Duncan, based in Inverness, said: “This is the 30th year of the Results Helpline which people can call on 0808 100 8000, and once again it’s proving to be a vital in-demand service to support young people and their families at what can be a really anxious time for many.”
More than 70 per cent of calls on the first day were from pupils, and 44 per cent of callers were phoning because they received lower grades than expected.
More than 30 per cent of the options discussed related to the appeals process, while the rest were mainly looking for guidance about course options at colleges and universities or wanting to know more about the huge range of apprenticeships now available in Scotland.
Ms Duncan added: “It’s such a rewarding experience working on the helpline.
"Being able to help young people explore what their options are is a real privilege. You feel like you are really making a difference.”
She was also keen to point out that careers help for people in the North of Scotland is available all year round from SDS, and the wider service is for people of all ages not just for school leavers.
“We have walk in career centres in Benbecula, Campbeltown, Dunoon, Elgin, Fort William, Invergordon, Inverness, Islay, Kirkwall, Lerwick, Lochgilphead, Oban, Portree, Rothesay, Stornoway and Thurso covering our North of Scotland region", she explained.
“Customers can get information, advice and guidance about jobs, the local labour market, training programmes and apprenticeships, as well as how to prepare for interviews and help with CVs and applications.
Joan concluded: “We also have an online portal at offering 24/7 self-service careers advice for the whole of Scotland.”