Four Highland suicides in eight days: charity says ‘lots of people need support’
October saw four Highland suicides over just eight days — proving that Cromarty-based charity James Support Group is needed now more than ever. Despite demand only growing for the charity’s services, money has been getting thinner, pushing James Support Group into a funding crisis.
Patrick and Wendy Mullery held the first James Support Group session in 2017, six months after their son — a father of three — took his own life, at the age of 28. At that first session, Patrick says there were 24 people who attended, proving there was a need for the group.
Patrick Mullery said: “The Black Isle itself has had three suicides in October. In fact, they were one day after each other. One of those was known to us in our little village of Cromarty, which affected the whole village. And in fact, the previous week, there was another one in Inverness for a UHI student, so that made a total of four suicides in only eight days.
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“We have obviously tried to help and support as many people as possible, not just the students in UHI and Inverness from that horrible tragedy, but also the families of the three suicides on the Black Isle. We actually run a couple of extra meetings on top of our normal monthly meetings, one in Cromarty and one in Fortrose, and two out of the three families attended those meetings.”
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