HENDERSON - Anne would like to sincerely thank everyone for the kind expressions of sympathy extended to her following the passing of Danny, her much loved dad. Thanking the ambulance crew, doctors and nurses at CGH; all at the Pearson Practice for their care and support over many years; Leslie O'Neill for his home visits and comforting service; Ruth and the choir for their uplifting music and to Clair and Sanders Harper for their help and guidance. Thank you to Murray and staff at the Mackays Hotel for providing the refreshments and to the ladies at The Flower Patch for the very special flower arrangements, one of which would have made Dad smile. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who was able to attend on the day and to those who sent donations. The sum of £1250 was raised and will be shared between Caithness Heart Support Group and Research Diabetes Scotland based at Ninewells Hospital, Dundee.