Wick Players are putting on an evening of entertainment in the Assembly Rooms as part of the programme for the town's gala week.
A dedicated team of local volunteers have been hard at work recently getting one of Wick's iconic outdoor pools ready for the summer season.
Police Scotland is reminding people to only dial 999 for emergencies as the service prepares for one of the busiest periods of the year.
Local artist Shelagh Swanson is running a number of workshops this month as part of her residency with the Sinclair's Bay Trust.
A roundup of the main results from the 97th Latheron Show which was held over split locations this year – Lybster and Bilbster.
Six members of a Wick-based baton twirling dance troupe came home with an amazing number of wins from a national competition in Edinburgh recently.
Kimmy Lai's three-year-old sports horse Ashleas Hollywood Showgirl was the champion of champions at the Latheron Show on Saturday.
Registered blind woman Caron Jones said that shortly after she got her guide dog he pulled her to safety after a speeding car whizzed past her.
A group keen to stamp out the stigma and taboo surrounding women's health is gaining strength and providing much-needed support locally.
The Highland Council is urging businesses to be prepared for the end of relaxation of planning and building warrant controls on September 30, 2022.
Rain failed to dampen spirits at the Open Show held by the Caithness Branch of the Pony Club at Bilbster this month.
A record number of entrants for the 2022 VIBES awards has been narrowed down to 45 finalists, including one from a Caithness distillery.
Stories of healthcare in the Highlands are the focus of an exhibition which is now open at the Thurso Gallery and the North Coast Visitor Centre.
School holidays got off to a tasty start in Wick with a special end of term barbecue hosted by local churches in Argyle Square.
Transformative changes proposed to the way Scotland’s land is used and managed in order to ensure greater benefit to communities and the environment.
An appeal has been launched to find foster homes for guide dogs in the Wick area while they go through training within Caithness.
Practice director Guy Gordon has complex surgery to perform, on a much-loved, elderly cat in tonight's episode of The Highland Vet.
Tickets to the 2023 Royal Highland Show have already gone on sale as the gates closed yesterday on this year’s special bicentenary event.
A special charity fun day is being held at the Country Spa next month to raise money for the Scottish Cot Death Trust in memory of Texas McBeath.
Caithness Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA) held its annual Summer Show recently at the Indoor Riding Centre in Halkirk.